What a three days of flying this was, if you blew it off and did not come out you missed the toughest contest I have ever seen. Conditions ranged from just plain ugly, to beautiful, to some mix in between. As the good press agent Ben Wilson has portrayed, just being there to watch the finals was something. Yep, George, there was at least 6.5 minutes between Mike and Arrend in the six finals rounds, maybe more, that was probably one flight. the first two rounds were fairly close, but from there on the carnage started. This part of the contest was old home week for OVSS guys and it can be a spectator sport when you have the caliber of folks out there that we had in the finals. I was an official timer in the finals so got to watch it close and personnal.
We owe a debt of thanks to Peter Goldsmith of JR Radio for having the inspiration and guys like Jim mcCarthy, Tom Kallevang, Lee Esenjoy, Barry Kennedy, Paul Naton (ask someone that was there about DVD's, they have an entire new meaning now), Joe Dirr the cook, Marna and Larry Jefferies, Robin and Ruth Meeks, Don Smith, the folks of RCSD, Horizon Hobby, Harry DeBoar, Carolyn Goldsmith, Jodi of Team JR, and others I forgot. Personnally, I had a good contest, but had a major brain fart at the start and had a 0 round to start (all I will say is do not have dyslexia with a dial up module, nuff said, and do not have a Futaba guy check it), from there I was average but got better as things went on and three 1000 rounds and a couple of near ones. Best flight of the whole thing was trying to out do a Supra, Mike Reagan's, at about 100' vs 150' respectivley working multiple impulses with a ballasted Tragi 705. Made it for a while but no matter how much I worked I could not make up the difference. Finally had to call it quits and come in to a 76/80 landing and watch him for another 2 1/2 minutes. Bill Malvey told me that thumping sound was Reagan grinding me into the ground, but I held my own for second in the group. Finshed 28th and started in 70th after the first round. I had a blast, first cigar in 27 years, found out Red Bull Margaritas are really good, even ate Sushi one night, a first. Met lots of guys I had corresponded with over the years but never had a face, Joe Nave, Lex Mirope, Randy McCleave, Gene Trevino, and got to see many friends I had not seen for a while, Mark Smith, Rusty, Bill Malvey (the futaba guy), John Erickson, Mike Lee, David Hobby, et. al. Had a great time and will be ready again when times come for the next! Marc RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format