Folks, this was posted on the F3F exchange after a gentle complaint was made
by an individual who is WAY up north in Europe, obviously suffering from

Because so many of you are also suffering from GPS in varying degrees, I
thought it would be a good service to repost it here on RCSE

Nathan Woods
Temple Hill, CA

From: John Mccurdy


Toy Aeroplanes and Being Serious - (not sure they fit too well together)

I have just scanned back through hundreds of messages in this list. The
vast majority are to do directly with flying F3F, combat and the
associated attitude to life which comes as part of this activity.

There are then a few absolute gems of humo(u)r and some weaker attempts at
the same (guilty - hey, we're not all professional comedians!), but all
aimed at generally improving the everyday social interaction which this
internet thing has brought to our lives.

I count my participation in this as a privilege.

Previously I spent some years in a UK based list server which discussed
general model gliding issues. There was NO humour, and the wrong people
seemed to rule. You got a work-over for stepping out of line, and the
general discussions ended up being about local council rules,
scaremongering about safety and how flying would soon be banned altogether
- incessantly!

It was depressing, the knowledgeable ones kept quiet, the 'interesting
people' left, and the list started to die. It was no use to me.

Let the fun continue, but perhaps we should all remember that there are
cultural gaps. By just reading our posts twice before pressing the 'send'
button. I sometimes write messages, then chuck them in the bin, realising
that they didn't really add much to the object of the thread of
conversation. But now and again they escape!

I too want the serious input, but without the fun the list will go
nowhere. This is after all meant to be a hobby! (or is that where I'm
going wrong?)


John McCurdy

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