I put up the photos I shot on Saturday and Sunday at

Check em out. I have some video of launches I will get edited later this week also. 

I want to thank all the guys at LOFT for a superb contest. Marc G., Steve S, and whomever else I might be missing. JR Radio for their support and sponsorship. 

This was my first contest in over a year and a half, due to some health issues and I must say, it was great to be welcomed back by so many people whom I have met before and by new friends. 

Going to contests isn't all about winning, or the competition itself. 

Going to contests is really about hanging with guys who love Soaring. Gals too! I had forgotten how much fun it is to sit back, and watch, talk and joke around with people who love the hobby. 

It is really cool to watch other people flying. When we are on the sticks, we know what we might do, but watching others is a whole new ballgame. Sometimes people do exactly as we would and others, they do things radically different. Seeing these approaches to common goals is great. 

I will write some more later, and post some of my zlogs from both days. 

The Zlog is an interesting thing, and it is great for re visualizing each flight I had. Some were just launch and boom, specked out, and others, the really memorable ones, were where you can see, "I need Two minute Air! Bad", and then actually find it and make time. 

It was a great weekend! The only thing that would have made it better, was a few puffy Cu's.

Chip Willis

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