This was an earlier contribution to the previous effort which has been posted to the addressees Jim suggested.  This is OUR fight--join up !!  Sky Pilot

I am absolutely disgusted with how King County has handled the "60 Acres" situation!!  Earlier I address some members thusly:  Respectfully [!!??] to the Authorities involved in the determinations regarding the future use of the present recreational grounds known as "60 Acres"--particularly for RC flying:

Undoubtedly [!!??] by now you have become aware of how widely "60 Acres" is known around the United States, and I would add around the world, for its unique serviceability for our RC soaring activity.  I have made two sojourns from Japan to the Northwest area of Washington because there is "60 Acres."  It has long and widely become known as a Mecca for RC soaring pilots; I was astounded by its suitability for our RC soaring activity within such a high density population area.  Of course it remains an area also available for other sports [besides more soccer] activities as well, which activities would also incur a great loss if this open field area is cut up or determined for any other use than its present recreational purposes.

As I would find it difficult to express myself any better than a friend who has already posted you, I quote:

. . . we participate in a hobby that spans generations.  It takes a very specific piece of land in order to fly RC Sailplanes.  Most of us served our country in the armed forces [I served three years as a Green Beret-PPC], all of us support America not only by paying taxes but by setting an example of being constructive, inventive and creative to younger generations who have become stuck in front of televisions...
      While we're not too old to pay for soccer fields, we're mostly too old to play soccer.  But there are many Americans who also 'don't play soccer' but do have hobbies and sports that need pieces of public land to provide some enjoyment of life after work.
      I hope you are successful in preserving that piece of America for us and other generations.
      RC Soaring is extremely environmentally friendly, we rely on hawks and birds [bugs & butterflies-PPC] to point our way to rising air, our models are virtually silent and emit no fumes or liquids.

As a career missionary in Japan, now president emeritus of a seminary, I have traveled and continue to travel the United States every two or three years representing our work.  As an Oregonian with a number of supporters, friends and family in the Northwest we always spend time in the area.  The last time I was in the States I participated in the Pacific Northwest RC Hand Launch Regional held there at "60 Acres" under the auspices of the Seattle Area Soaring Society (SASS); this club is known nationally for making "60 Acres" a hub of RC soaring interests in the United States and IN the Northwest--this is no exaggeration! This next summer I will participate in an international and two regional RC soaring contests and plan to visit "60 Acres."  As a side note, I might add that a picture referencing "60 Acres" RC soaring activity appeared in our last "magazine" newsletter "Osaka News" under "Sky Pilot's Hangar"--1500 USA circulation.

RC soaring has put "60 Acres" on the international map. I am personally aware that there are several RC pilots in Japan who won their RC soaring wings at "60 Acres" and are back in Japan!  On account of the fact, that RC soaring or "silent flight" is so environmentally friendly and not subject to so many of the complaints of other modeling activities, RC soaring has been experiencing a significant increased participation [SASS has herself been responsible for a significant aspect of this surge in interest].  Particularly, the RC Hand Launch Glider (RCHLG) category has brought about an increase in interest and participants.  It is on your own "60 Acres" that one Dick Barker revolutionized RC soaring with what we call the discus launch or RCHLG-DHL--not to ignore the earlier side arm launch or RCHLG-SAL initiated by SASS member Phil Pearson.  This launch method has not only nearly doubled launch heights (and our FUN), it has enabled many older and/or non-atheletic types to become or continue to be involved in one of the most fulfilling recreational activities one can take part in--not to mention much less physical stress on anybody.  Everybody who is anybody in RC Soaring knows there IS "60 Acres."  [Where are you in recognizing & acknowledging this aside from soccer politics !!??]

It should go without saying, nevertheless let me point out from the above, that for some time now businesses and the community have been experiencing significant income and benefits from the RC soaring activity at "60 Acres."  At the regional two-day contest I attended alone, a number of RC pilots flew in from around the United States and we were staying in local accommodations and spending monies over a three-day period.

Many, and a number of luminaries in our RC soaring community, consider "60 Acres" their home field, but more, we around the country and abroad desire that this recreational area remain such in its present state and available to us all, preserved as such for the future--will I have the privilege of RCHLG-DHL at "60 Acres" this Summer [again sometime in the future]!?   

Paul Clark, SKY PILOT, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)

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