The Berg is sold!


5 Airtonics 92765/72 RX 17 and 42 (6 Channel) FM $30 each

1  Airtonics 92785/72 RX 17 FM (8 Channel) $35

1  Airtonics 92785/72 RX 17 PCM (8 Channel) $40

1  Airtonics 92745/72 RX 17 FM (4 Channel) $20



JR R610M (with Blue Dot) RX17 (6 Channel)    $15

Berg 6 FM (6 Channel)  RX 17 $20 

RCD 535 (4 Channel)  RX 17  $15


Take all for $250 and I’ll pay the shipping.



Gary Baldwin


850 566-8441

Tallahassee, Florida


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