I flew from Dallas after TNT Monday morning to New Orleans to do some training at the Fairgrounds Horse Racing track, from there it was right down to the French Quarter for some great food and music.
I got on the road about 7pm to Beaumont MS, and this morning was on a Air Guard straffing range to give them some operational training with my machine to clean up bullets.
Little did I realize that I'd be there when two F18's would make a pass close enough for me to see pilots!  The noise is incredible!  I got a short vid clip of their initial approach to the tower, the rest was off limits. :-(
Might have been one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my travels, well right up there with the topless girl sitting next to me while I had lunch in Playa Del Carmen (Cancun). :-)
It was warm and humid after the last nights huge rain storms, but after the planes had cleared out it got sunny with a light breeze....
The guys in Vegas land on carpets, the guys at Swasa land on carpets, but today Sharon landed on Bullets! :-)  Glad I brought my bungee.
I found a little place in Beaumont that had some ribs cooking and the sauce was sweet but tangy.
How'd your day go?
Next stop Gulf Shores Alabama.

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