Adding to the list of we could care less!
Harry De Boer
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:58 AM
Subject: [RCSE] "I'm Going To Disney World!...and Pumpkin Fly and Tangerine..UPDATE

Adding to the list of those who won't be there:
Dave Zucker
Skip Miller (clearly afraid of being crushed by the competiton!)
Jim Monaco (F3J Team Mgr)
None of the USA F3J team,senior or juniors (and they expect support from us? :-)
None of the Italian F3J team
Mark Smith
Brian Smith
Dale Nutter
Jim Frickie
George Voss
Chuck Anderson
Edgar, Andy or Mike Morjoseph
Carl Strautin
Not one single Futaba Executive
Michael Volz
No one from Hitec or GWS
Uwe Renschler (Picolario)
Bob From Soaring USA
George Joy (Sirius Chargers).......
More later as confirmations come in :-)

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