anonymous by mail    $200
For all of you guys who have never flown 60 acres, you may never get the chance unless you get off your computer butts and send some cash.
And don't make it anonymous by mail, they don't need silent partners in this battle.  Send the money and tell everyone that you are in the game!
I'll give $201, who'll match it and UP that by a buck, the goal is $205.
Thanksgiving is coming up, and you could give to some well meant charity that will suck up about 80% of your donation in administrative fees, or you can send it to the Seattle guys where ALL of it will get sucked up in administrative fees...the way it needs to in this case...that's what will set a precedent for future take-over/occupation attempts by Soccer and the like.
Keep in mind this is an OFFICIAL Thermal Wizard flying site.
My money is in the mail box right now, so who's gonna step up, match it and add a buck?

Calling Mr $202, 203, 204 and $205

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