----- Original Message ----- From: "David Register" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've used landing flaps on the left slider because I have a hard time not mixing in a little rudder-flap interaction when they're both on the left stick.

If you use the butterfly function to deploy flaps you can set it up so that no flap movement happens until the stick moves down beyond a certain point. I set the flaps to start coming down at the 85% point (15% below top stick position). That prevents the flaps from being inadvertantly deployed during normal flying.

As you noted, using 'butterfly' requires an extra switch (A) for landing and I've missed that a few times which leads to an awkward situation when you're trying to catch.

My "A" switch is always on so the butterfly function is always active. That's why I never use my 9C (non super) transmitter. With the 9C you need to leave the butterfly mix off during normal flying or the elevator and aileron trims will change the mix instead of trimming the elevator and ailerons The 9C super has an option to turn that feature off. My 20+ year habit of leaving the butterfly mix on causes my 9C transmitter to stay at home.

- Aux-Ch Menu: Ch5 = VrD; Ch6 = VrD (not sure if both need to be assigned in Glid1F but I'm pretty sure both need to be for Glid2F)
- In the Advanced menu

Thank you for this!! I did learn something new:-) I had not discovered this function since I don't look at my 9C transmitter much and the 8U transmitter does not have this function or even sliders.

Dave I will study your setup late tonight when I have more time. On first glance it looks like if you just drive the flaps and elevator compensation with PMIXs then you will have your exact setup except that the mixes will be switchable. You may have issues with running out of PMIXs but probably you can bump some of your mixes to PMIX6 & PMIX7 so that all 7 PMIXs will be available.

   Flap-Trim is inhibited

Normally, when you want to inhibit the flap trim function, you should activate it but set the mix percentage to 0%. When flap trim is deactivated, you are telling the transmitter program to respond 100% to the flap trim knob. When flap trim is activated, you are telling the transmitter program to respond by the set percentage to the flap trim knob. This may be different with your setup due to the flaperon mode you use or maybe your choice of VrD as flap control. Its possible that one of those choices automatically inhibits the flap trim function but I'll have to look into that later.

Mix 2 and Mix 3 are assigned Offset as Master with Flap1 and Flap 2 respectively as slave. This allows offset from center on the slider (~ 50%)

Which slider are you using for this? VrD or VrE? I'd like to be able to match your programming completely.

Mix 4 assigns Flap1 as master and elevator as slave. This allows a 2-slope elevator compensation curve with a settable breakpoint.

I thought that only PMIX6 & PMIX7 had multipoint curves. Is your transmitter different?

I also don't understand why you want the flap function to be switchable with your launch preset switch. Do you always leave the launch preset on until the top of the launch? Most launch presets come off at some point during the launch phase of flight, often very early after release. Having flaps deploy then or even sudden deployment at the top of a launch could be a bad thing so I don't see how having landing flaps switchable with the launch preset switch solves anything. You need a habit pattern that retracts the flaps at the correct time. My habit pattern is to have my left thumb push the left stick full forward when beginning the launch. This happens at the same time that I am pulling the three position switch full back for the launch preset. Both of these things happen with the left hand, I also have the SPEED/START switch used for launch presets and it is directly above the left stick.


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