Does anyone have any experience using bar codes for score keeping purposes?
        Can anyone direct me to information about using bar codes and a scanner to open cells in a spread sheet and entering data into those cells?
        Can the information commonly found on a score card be printed as bar codes on a separate sheet of paper, the hand written card read by the data entry person and then the appropriate codes scanned from the pre-printed sheet into the correct cells on a spread sheet?
        In short, does anyone have any information about using bar codes for score keeping purposes?
        Has anyone determined that it is not worth the effort to attempt this task in this way?
        The following link leads to our newsletter. In the left hand column of the opening page is a link to #7, our October contest.
Take a look at our score sheets to better understand my questions.
        While there, take a look at our monthly newsletter. We have many pleased readers and lots of colorful photos.
        Thanks in advance for any help that may be offered.....including any that may be offered by Gordy.
        Feel free to respond directly to me at the address given below.
        If I learn anything helpful I will report that information at a later time.
Gene Hays
Scorekeeper, Southern California Soaring Clubs
West Covina, CA

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