A big thanks to all the Cincinnati guys for putting on a great contest on Sunday. CD Steve Siebenaler did the right thing by pushing us to 6 rounds to make up for the rain-out on Saturday -- and I say that even though the sixth round was the undoing of many a good man ;)

Going into the last round, I was second only to Gordy by 24 points. That round was a crusher for all involved save for Marc Gellart. I picked up my first-ever expert TD wood, and even though I really wouldn't have minded it to be a Level V win, Marc did the right thing and proved that the road to Level V isn't paved with mercy! Excellent come-from-behind win by the OVSS Boss. A turkey, some wood and a shovel were parting gifts...

It turned out to be an excellent day otherwise for the Louisville Area Soaring Society - 3 out of the top 5 spots were occupied by Gordy, Ed and myself, with LASS being represented in the top group almost every round. We might be small, but we try to stick together! Team competition next year at the NATS? Why not?

Thanks again to everyone up there for an excellent end to the season for us.

ben wilson
louisville area soaring society
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