----- Original Message ----
... I presented my opinions as to what is a benchmark, and specifically stated 
my qualifications....
This thread seems to be confused by the difference between the words 
"benchmark" and "landmark." Way back at the beginning, the original reference 
to a benchmark used the word correctly, viz. as a convenient standard for 
measurement or comparison. Various posters thereafter have gone off in the 
direction of trying to identify designs that had neat original ideas and 
significantly impacted later thought. The word for that is landmark. 

Libor is a benchmark; Marbury v Madison was a landmark.

To say a plane floats better or worse or similarly to an Ava is to use an Ava 
as a benchmark. The speaker may or may not regard the Ava as a landmark design, 
but it's a convenient benchmark because everybody knows how an Ava flies. What 
constitutes a landmark is in the eye of the beholder. Roughly speaking, it's a 
design like the Fletcher or the JW-DS or the Allegro that looked unusual at the 
time but spawned a generation of similar planes.

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