Gee Denny, I thought winter started with the Gordy Equinox and the
changing of the moons?
No! No! It's the mooning of the Gordy at the equinox!

What?? No Open Scale hand launch cross country??
Yes! Yes! Two years ago Team Polecat did HLG XC and set the record for the task at 1.9mi. Made it through the graveyard, over the hill, past the cornfield and around the corner. (Didn't come in last either). Kinda hoping 1.5m XC may be held as a provisional event this year. If not, we'll just slug it out with the big guys again. This time I'm bringing the Shiner Boch.

Hmmm - DLG one weekend. HLG-XC the next? May have to build a 2M for mid-week amusement. What was that they were saying in Dallas - friends don't let friends fly what, Henry?

- Dave R
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