In a message dated 12/11/2007 10:43:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

2008 NATS forms should be available on the AMA site shortly after
January 1, 2008.

    Glad to see the dates for the Soaring and Electric NATS have been 
determined.  To keep in step with a long line of whiners, I wish that NOS and 
HL were 
separated as I would like to do both.  However, I do believe the rent - a - 
Jeff will be available for the NOS event so the Blaster 2 and the XP 5 may not 
make the trip.
    For Dave Register, I suggest you contact Ed Whyte 
([EMAIL PROTECTED] (http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) to obtain a Rogue 2.0 for the 
contest.  There will be a few there so the contest within the contest should 
be interesting. Henry who?
    Barry Kennedy informed me that there have been at least 465 Supra's 
manufactured.  How many will attend the NATS?   Send me your guess (Number of 
Supra's in unlimited competition) by personal email and I will keep the tally.  
winner will be announced at the banquet and will receive a small prize from
Don Richmond
San Diego, CA (Virginia Beach, VA until January)
_www.hilaunch.com_ ( 

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