My intention was to say that, in order to remain  competitive, you will likely
find it necessary to go to stronger, more  expensive planes.   This makes it
harder for sport flyers who do  not have big budgets to enter into a 
Harder?  Sport flyers are competitive the minute they  enter a contest. IF 
they put what ever ship up into 10mins of air and put  the nose on the spot, 
their personal score will the best possible.
A 'sport flyer' entering a contest with a Perfect, Insanity,  Supra, 
SuperduperSupra, or DPCougar doesn't put him in a 'competitive' position.  
He'll still 
only pilot that model to the best of his skill, experience, practice  and 
talent...which isn't going to equal those pilots. We have all ended up with  
better scores than guys with 'better' sailplanes.

So lets drop the argument that having weaker winches will  some how make our 
contests a kinder gentler more inviting place for newbies and  sensitive types.
2007 had less broken lines than 2006 due to the new  line (maybe more pop 
offs ), batteries are something we replace each year  or so anyway, so where's 
the beef?  (I think clubs using Optima's will  agree that they seem to have  a 
little less punch so that would  take some edge off launch stress).

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