Correct me if I am wrong.
What I am hearing is if there are over 40 SS system turn-on at the same time, 
the 41th one won't be able to send out signal. It won't shut down other 
people's plane but just cannot fly your own plane.

※ 引述《"GordySoar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>》之郵件內容:Okay I expected the guesses and 
opinions and assurances.
Let's take this one first:
 But, seriously, are you expecting over 40 sailplanes to be in the air at 
one time at a typical club field? 
Those who posted this implied 'everything will be okay' rationale don't attend 
big events where the problem has never been a conflict of planes in the air, we 
have clips and impounds and channel assignments for those.  The guys who have 
2.4 fell in love with them especially because they didn't "have to worry about 
pins, clips and impounds any more" . Now you can just pull up put your plane 
together, turn on and fly...even on Visalia Friday.  There is a lot more than 
50 guys with sailplanes wanting to fly, assemble, program etc on any given 
major contest day. On is on, regardless of if the models are in the air.
ON means transmissions.  How is the CD gonna handle 2.4 count and amounts when 
their owners feel they are safe to turn on at any time?  Back to pins on this 
time they represent count instead of freq channel?  1 thru 39?
The next one that I didn't see addressed is the 'mixing' part...what happens 
when you have Futa, Xtreme, Spectrum, Airtronics, and the Chinese show up 
together...regardless of numbers.
Then there is this one:  Ed asked :"Why don't you organize a test "
Why would I?  My hobby is to build and fly sailplanes, my job is to sell beach 
cleaners. Ed, why don't you ask the suppliers of 2.4 stuff to work for their 
pay?  Why haven't you? You post assurances and promote as if you have some cash 
interest in 2.4.  You repeat hearsay about a heli event with 500  pilots and 
then guess at how many TX's were turned on at the time, using it as some 
'proof' that the deal is done.  Do you have a clue as to how much parking alone 
it would take to host 500 pilots?  I think before repeating that 'proof' you 
might want to investigate it instead of just repeating it.  I know the source, 
that doesn't make it valid.  Are you going to tell me that less than 40 guys 
had their TX's on all at once with 500 on the field?
So far at best 2.4 sort of works, if the install is just right, if the models 
materials are cooperative and 'should' work fine with other 2.4 
long as their aren't too many TX's on at one time....but no one has come up 
with control system to protect against or even determine who will be turning on 
in the pits.
So what's the many of you realized that it is possible to be shot 
down with 2.4, that less than our current 50 TX's can be running at once and no 
one is too sure about how many of a mix of brand systems are safe?

Was just wondering that's all :-)?
Glenwood Springs Co

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