Some of the goofy crap about lines and winches, making more 'challenging'  
contests, etc, finally lead to where they usually do...about someone just  
wanting to let everyone know that they 'beat' Gordy.
While I was 'working' today at the Four Seasons Resort beach in  Puerto 
Vallarta, I spied the what may have been the most beautiful 'airframe' I  have 
seen in the world in the surf. :-)

Which I only mention that because she distracted my thoughts  about the topic 
of 'beating' other pilots...or the underlying ill will behind  using that 
term in the context of us flying contests and the negative  intimidating effect 
it has had on sport -soarers becoming involved in  contests over the years.
If you turn on the lights and really look at our hobby, (and it is just  
that) there is not any way for some pilot to 'beat' another pilot in a RC  
contest.  The last beating I got was well deserved and handed to me by my  
father a 
bunch of years back.

The best any of us can do is to do the task perfectly.  If it is a  50 pilot 
competition, 49 guys aren't standing around bleeding from their  noses....they 
are usually standing around smiling from a day of flying their  sailplanes 
with friends.
Jack used the phrase 'I beat Gordy' when at TNT he ended up with a better  
score that Gordy got. And was really proud that he used what he felt was an  
inferior airframe.  I guess we could speculate that he was embarrassed  about 
flying it, so compensated by pointing out that in spite of flying a lesser  
than a Supra (I only use Sharons at TNT's by the way, not the World's  
Heaviest Carbon Supra).  
His story implies that he has proven superior skills to Gordy's, which I  
guess implies that adds credibility to his winch, or task ideas.  Often the  
gasp way to reinforce a weak argument is to use dramatic statements.
He doesn't mention that it was one of the most fun TNT's I'd ever  flown.  
The incredible low landing zone area save for a max, or the great  feeling of a 
good friend (Mike Lachowski) rushing over to my side to offer some  
suggestions for another save behind the corner tree line is crazy turbulent 
sink  and 
lift pockets, which I wasn't good enough to pull off earning me the  zero part 
of 'hero or zero' type flying. (He did pull off the same corner save  earlier!).
You see by us using a word to describe the result of a day of flying like  
'beat', it changes things from fun to personal gain or reduction at the price 
 others.  My goal is always to have all my flying buddies do well, get giant  
launches and perfect landings.  Sure I want my flights to be perfect but  
less than that is still a fun day.
I only bring up Shederman's pokes from way off on the site where nobody  
signs their names because it best points out what has been keeping most non  
contest pilots from getting involved.
Is there anyone reading the RCSE that hasn't heard one of those guys  respond 
to a contest invitation with the words...I only fly for fun...I'd  never be 
competitive, or you need to have one of the expensive airplanes to  win.
You see they perceive contests as being about winning and losing, when in  
fact the most fun of our TD contests is the opportunity to fly with our 
 to see how our practice, study and skills ,compare against those of other  
Jack 'seems' to be a friendly guy who enjoys soaring....but I find that he  
like some of the others who whine about contest being too easy due to long  
strong winch lines are there for some other reason than flying sailplanes.
Okay here's one more example: The I Beat Gordy buttons were started by Don  
Richmond as a joke during a Nats...Butch ended wearing a T shirt with that  
written on it (we all miss Butch by the way...well at least those who didn't  
lose a hot dog too him!:-).

Louisville's own Ben Wilson (Nat on line real time correspondent  and LSF 5' 
aspirant) came up with really nice buttons as part of a fund raising  campaign 
to outfit our club's 'adopted' 11 year old pilot with sailplanes and  
radios).  Pilots at events were given a chance earn a chance to contribute  to 
fund, by getting a better score as some contests around the country and  also 
earning a button to show the contributed (by the way our little Lee didn't  let 
those guys down, he raised his grade point average by almost double and is  
now working on LSF4..having won a JR event or two even!).
I ended that campaign went I finished up my LSF 4 and needed to get my LSF5  
wins out of the way, sure I love the kid but hey...LSF5 is LSF 5 ! ;-)
Maybe there has been too much beating being done at contests by some...  
interestingly enough, I have never heard one of our current or past USA team  
members use the phrase "I beat...". 

Maybe that's why I can't wait to help with raising funds to help get  them to 
Turkey this year.. in American style, plenty of equipment and  well prepared, 
so that they can all put up their best possible flights.

Sorry I just feel that if we want to have more participation and better  
contests, lets not worry so much about beating our fellow pilots, and spend 
time considering how we can make it more fun for them....but flying better  

And oh yeah...if you would like to see that 'airframe', shoot me a  request 
off line and I'll send you the photo.
I will warn you that it will make you gasp. :-)
Louisville or Bust tomorrow after noon.  Mauritius and Dubai  Sunday.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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