I've flown a variant of Tim's proposal at SLNT on quite a few occasions in their Class-A Scramble event. It's a great task, gets the load off the CD and keeps pilots involved all the way through the event. Extending it to TD classes is a really interesting approach and addresses a lot of issues that can come up at club contests. I suspect the format works best for club events in the 8 to 20 range or thereabouts. Why don't some of the clubs give it a try for their monthly events and report back to RCSE or RCGroups? The rules may merit some tweaking but the best way to figure that is to give it a shot. The Class A format draws more entries each month at Dallas than just about anything else - and that's a pretty competitive group of guys. One of the things it DEFINITELY accomplishes is draw more club members into club activities. If you're in it for the group and not just for yourself, that's not a bad outcome.
Way to go Tim!
- Dave R

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