Project 2: Boomer EX2 DHLG. This was almost ready to go, got delayed over 
getting smaller radio RX and an Azaar antenna for it, then weather, then other 
distractions. I think I also may have accidentally killed the custom battery 
pack I had made for it, if that turns out to be the case, gotta wait more for a 
new pack. My hobby money is a trickling allowance I get, everything else goes 
to family expenses and savings, as it should, but that means I have to scrimp 
for 2 to 6 weeks for purchases most guys here wouldn't blink over, like a servo 
or battery pack. So I do a lot of improvising and buy lots of 
scratch-and-dent. I don't mind a long slow building season, I have the time 
since flying 
season here is only good for me about 3-4 months anyway.

Project 3: 2M Klingberg wing, done up to look like Northrop jet powered 
bomber, in silver monokote with Edwards AFB test plane markings. Darn aileron 
linkages were always messed up, the original in-wing system had slop and 
so I tried pushrods first on the bottom, which is bad news after the first 
landing,  then the top, which was ugly and draggy, so  they've been re-done 
times, finally being redone with direct-drive microservos and RDS. Top of wing 
has the covering stripped to enable the surgery.

Project 4: Kyosho Soarus 2-meter, repairing crash damage, upgrading the speed 
600 motor/ ESC and making a polyhedral and an aileron wing for it, was 
waiting on old parts, I built this plane up from independent pieces found at 
and dent sales, a common theme for all my hobby work. Actually I have three 
Soarus blow-molded fuses, which are attractive, light and rugged as a ball bat, 
I love 'em, and have set one up as a v-tail poly which looks very pretty 

Project 5:  Scratch built a Steve Shumate bluecore foam blue angels F-18 
pusher from plans just last year. My second successful plans-built project so 
far.  Really just needs the vertical stabs and yellow trim put on after the 
aileron linkages are made and set up. I may have killed the only lipo I have 
this plane by leaving the radio RX on all night by mistake while running off to 
some family emergency of the moment. Was adjusting the second speed control in 
it after the first one turned out faulty and accidentally flew the  unfinished 
plane off the bench when it armed by mistake, cracking the prop, (more 
delays), and I left it on overnight. Have tried to charge that lipo once since 
and got an error message but will try again a time or two because the problem 
may have been something else. Darn battery took 8 weeks to save up for, too 
:-P  While I was fiddling around, they up and changed all the lipo battery 
formats on me so they now have separate plugs for charging and discharging, so 
saving up for the Equinox balancing unit for my Triton charger. Also afraid of 
crashing this one on the maiden flight, but as long as the radio and drive 
systems are not hurt, the foam is dirt cheap, and I have enough left to make 5 
more. When the weather sux, I don't feel pressure to finish building because 
what's the point, can't fly, then it gets nice for a day or so and I get 
all antsy that I have nothing ready to go except my beloved Multiplex hitec 
Sky Scoter and Air hogs planes and chopper.

to be continued

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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