Bonjour Louis,

Ca va? 

Tout va bein en Suede, pour le moment! Mais le vent est terrible ...

Yes, lead is a terrible poison that easily can kill you,
even in rather small doses, but it has to be repeated over
and over. And as soon as you stop exposing yourself you slowly,
but surely, pee it all out!

Sometimes lead poisoning is blamed for the decline of the Roman
Empire, but considering the tons of lead humanity have inhaled
during the years of leaded petrol it is amazing that anyone of 
us are around! 

In battery factories, where they make (S)LAs, they have to take extreme 
precausions, like fresh air masks for everyone, airtight clothing, et cetera, 
and still, occasionally, a few workers have to be sent home to get away from 
the lead for a while (they take blood samples every so often). The same is true in
the auto industry, where solder is used in certain joints and those polishing
the metal in the soldered areas have to have the same equipment as those
at the battery manufacturer, and if they are just a bit careless they 
too have to stay at home for a few months.

Remember that you get sterile first, anemia second and then you simply die :-)!
Or so I was told, anyway! Kidneys probably fare badly, too!

Blood transfusions might work, but then you CAN get aids, hepatitis a, b or c,
mad cow disease, plus a number of other illnesses and syndromes ...

I have always been very lax in my handling of lead, but lead plate is so nice
to use, and very easy to cut to size, suitable as sinkers, nose weights, or

As far as I am aware I have not become worse mentally or physically due to 
this lead cutting and handling - but I only do it a few times (at the most) 
a year! 


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