Mike Pop and me got to the field ..in the rain.  Cold and windy with a  
really dark and misty sky.  Not exactly what you think of meeting when you  go 
bed in warm, gentle winds!
I had a feeling that the air was going to be really good in spite of the  
mist and wind, and turns out I was right.
I put up an easy max with a nice landing too.  The ground was  exceptionally 
turbulent and that got a bunch of guys in the landing zone.
After the first round the sky broke, the temps came up but the wind  stayed.  
A gorgeous day from that point forward.
I had one flight that put me wayyyyy downwind, low over houses, but the  
World's Heaviest Carbon Supra Lite did it self proud. Everyone, and I mean  
everyone stopped and watched it come back from a start of about 50', weaving up 
down with the rolling low thermals and sink cycles, to finally slide between  
a pair of low power wires, over the road, over the edge of the field with at  
least 300' to the LZ, with me standing at least 100' feet away from it  too.  
I started back pedaling when I realized she wasn't done yet, and she  joined 
me about 25' away from the spot, I turned to look at the spot, and bumped  the 
aileron stick, which ended both our chances for extra glory on that  flight.  
Zero landing points.
Larry Squire has been in the zone since getting his Shadow XL from Soaring  
USA, he really kept the heat on us today.  I don't think he missed a max  
landing for most of the 7 rounds.  But he got himself low and behind,  across 
road, in some really bad sink and made a good decision to just put  it down 
safe...but out of bounds.  Even still he managed to take third  place, which 
tells you how perfect he'd been flying.
Bud Elders got his Pike Superior tangled up at the top of a good size tree,  
but I was able to climb to the top and toss it out, just a little wrinkle  in 
the very tip, which didn't stop him from having some pretty great rounds  
himself after.
Mike Popescu, flying his own extended Pelican design, was determined to fly  
well and he did.  It was him, Larry and myself clanking around the top all  
In the end it turns out I was really seeing the air today, if not the LZ  
that well, but I capped the day with a perfect time and landing, putting me  
about 80 points ahead of the crowd.
Everyone had some great flights and at least one really scary one I  think.  
A lot of talent down here for sure.
Wish you could have been there too!
When asked where I was going after winning the contest, I replied,"I'm to  
going to Disney World!"...but I'll only be there till about noon, then off to  

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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