I'm in a quandry!  I was in the process of replacing the transmitter battery 
cells in my old Vision radio and the positive (red) wire broke off the 
connector at the end of the battery case.  I can't tell where the wire was 
soldered to the connector.
Could someone with a Vision, please lift off the inner protective sheet from 
their battery pack and tell me (or take a photo) of where the red wire is 
soldered to?  The inner protective sheet is attached with double-sided tape to 
the batteries, so you can lift it off with no problem and put it back on after 
you've looked or photoed.   
You can reply to me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to avoid cluttering the list. 
 I guess that's the only way you can get a photo to me since the list doesn't 
allow attachments.
Thanks,Martin Brungard Tallahassee, FL "Soaring: Where screwing-up is an art" 
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