Might be the words heard from a certain multi-world champ flying  the World's 
Heaviest Carbon Supra Lite today at the SWC.... "I need  new  glasses but you 
need your head examined!"
Course it didn't help that I have the landing comp set up  in reverse so that 
it balloons at full flap, just to make this comp  challenging  for me.

Did I mention that it was definitely Duck weather all day....as in the  kind 
of Duck that quacks versus launches!
It was misty and cold most of the day...the grass was fine but the dirt  
roads were mostly mud.

Fantastic facility!  Bathrooms close by, showers and a restaurant  right on 
the property...and...the catering guy was set up all day with  everything from 
BBQ to Hot Dogs.  Good stuff  and hot...important  today.
There were planes up all day, some times skied out - sometimes just  shooting 

The landing zone is a runway 'ladder' or boxes.  Boxes are 2" wide  2" long, 
the center being 500 points and the ends (5 boxes in total) being 20  points , 
nose on a line is zero... (I might have the  dimensions off a little on the 
boxes :-). 
I heard the flight times will be like 20mins or more... (not sure that's  
accurate either :-).
In any case I have a red face tonite...from wind and I suppose rays  
too...should have put some screen on.
Definitely some fantastic thumbs out today, so its gonna be tough. I'm  
shooting for 50th place .  (I mean me and some others drew numbers out  of a 
for specific placement finishes, so its gonna take some calculating to  make 
spot at the end, there's like $3 cash on it....(might have that  part wrong 

Did I mention it was cool and wet? Seriously my plane spent very  little time 
on the ground today...We all flew a lot.  At the end the  weather went from 
occasionally misting to actual drizzle, so they took down the  winches...we 
tried to 'resist' but it was futile, apparently they didn't want us  to break 
lines :-)
I did have a chance to test fly their winches and hats off to Rick Bothell  
and winch crew, they work really well with plenty of pep to gives us a nice  
contest launch.

So I joined the Colorado F3J boys on their bungees, for about another  half 
hour or so....Pete Goldsmith was launching a V tail Duck and was killing us  
all on alt by at least 40' per launch..course my WHCSL outweighs it about 29.5  
Anywho...we're here and you're not! 

At a secret lair tonite, so don't even think about trying to stake me,  
you'll never find my sarcophagus. 

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