I understand that some of you will have skepticism in regard to the  increase 
in performance from the 2.4 Spread Spektrum Systems. The first time  that I 
flew a my 9303X 2.4 system in a glider I got the feeling I was better  
connected to the glider. I did some high speed dives and pulled the elevator in 
pylon turn. I definitely could sense a faster response. Remember this effect  
amplified because I fly a pretty aft CG. In November I was doing some  
Helicopter prep for a movie, and installed the 9303X and with 921RX in a  
flown machine. This particular Heli features a 3 servo CCPM  mixing system to 
steer the head. In this case there was no doubt about the  improvement in 
response and lack of slop in the system. I got the feeling that I  was really 
hooked up, kind of like flying with tight strings instead of loose  ones. So, I 
know there is an improvement available with the SS 2.4 systems. But  too be 
honest with you, I would be more intrigued with 2.4 because of the lack  of 
frequency conflicts, and great range of equipment available from Horizon. I  
some of you will not try 2.4 for any number of reasons. But I can list  several 
friends who have tried it, seen the advantage and now are switching  entire 
fleets over to Spread Spektrum 2.4 systems. All my best  Larry

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