It looks like this years F3J in the Rockies, scheduled for May 24-25, will
be the largest ever.  I have commitments for about 7-8 teams currently, and
we are limited to 12 teams (lanes) of 4 pilots each.  If you want to try F3J
- this is the place to do it.  We will have world class pilots competing,
including 3 teams comprised of members and support crew for the US team, 3
teams from RMSA with very strong pilots including Skip Miller. We have a
team from Albuquerque coming up, and the Canadian F3J team is strongly
considering attending.   We will be allowing F3B winch launches instead of
hand towing.  You must bring your own equipment.  We also have 3 sets of
braided line club winches that we will allocate to teams on a first come
first serve basis.  2 of the 3 sets are already committed so we have one


The US Team wants all the competition you can bring, so come on out and give
them a challenge.


This is a great event at a great location.  Ask those who have attended in
the past, this is a fun event!  If you do not have a team but still want to
come and play, sign up and I will find you a team to fly with.  You can find
details at <> 


Hope to see you there..




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