I don't have to compensate by anticipating the lag.
I  will add this and leave it alone.  My flying went from constant correcting 
 of over correcting to having the plane respond the way I wanted it.  And  
nothing, not practice, faster servos, expo, dual rates, speed, etc... improved  
the 'smoothness' of my flying like the spektrum.

After flying my Worlds Heaviest Carbon Lite Supra 2.4 Sputnik  antennae at 
the Florida contest...I learned that there was a possibility that  the radio 
could actually affect the flight characteristics!
I hadn't had a chance to fly the Sputnik system (used for nose  cone installs 
because it ends up with 4 little wires sticking out around the  circumference 
of the pod just behind the nose cone joint). I'd only did some  ground range 
testing before it had gotten too dark to see.
So the first actual flights were a few practice flights off the  winch before 
the contest started.  The Flight Log numbers sucked...some  were in the 
900's, but didn't get any holds.  Mostly ups and downs because  there wasn't a 
of time before the first round started.
I'd decided to use it for the contest and to watch the numbers  after every 
flight. Of course I forgot my Flight Logger at home, but Jim McC had  his along 
and let me take reading each flight (you plug it in after the flight  but 
before turning off the RX system).  
The air was smooth, almost no wind, and warm.  Plenty of  birds soaring too, 
yet I managed to get a max of only 3:15mins out of the 4  rounds, which put me 
at second to the bottom, and the plane had flown thru the  landing zone 
almost hitting me and my timer twice!
The numbers were pretty consistent, but I was getting 1 Hold per  
flight....but the numbers didn't reflect the control during the flight....or at 
they ought to have been worse, because at no time was the plane actually  doing 
what I was asking with my thumb.
I decided to be safe I'd put her away and dug out my Pike Giant  (pretty much 
a slope racing foil that they'd increased the flap size on for F3J  work).  I 
personally love this ship for TD but she'd been resting in her  bag for about 
2 years...unflown due to affairs with my Sharon last year and  the Supra this 
The reason the Giant was along with me on this contest trip was  that it got 
the Spectrum 2.4 Catfish antennae install figured out by Dan  F.  Remote stuck 
to the canopy inside with its whisker sticking thru the  top of the canopy, 
and the main in the nose with a whisker out each lower side,  only one whisker 
extended via the shrink tube method, all at the sacred 31mm  exposed.  This 
system tested that night at home perfectly, never a number  over 150...
After round 7 and the contest ended (MOM Seeded by the  way)  the Flight Log 
numbers echoed my test results of numbers all well  under 150 no holds and no 
feeling of any thing fishy (well other than the  nose looking like a catfish 
:-). My times were maxes with my usual 2 seconds,  and the three landings...75, 
100, 100...and a move up to second place over  all.
So...apologies sort of to Jay poo poo'ing his comments on the  value of a 
fast responding system...or at least having a slow responding one can  really 
hurt your scores and flying :-).
Or maybe a heads up to new 2.4 system users who have a brand  that doesn't 
offer a 'tattle tale' device to visually check what came and  didn't....if your 
flying seems to have taken a dive since switching over to a  new 2.4 digital 
system, put your 72 back in and fly a few rounds to compare  results.  Sudden 
bad scores to a normally good scoring pilot might  just be a bad 
connection...the words may be only partially getting through to  your surfaces.
Raining today in Kentucky...but I still love KY!  :-)

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