Well put Jim. Perfect wording from your lips.

Regards, Dave Corven.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
> Ben,
> Very true, as does Barry Kennedy.  Common knowledge to those that have been 
> around soaring for any length of time.  But, there are people in the hobby 
> that 
> are so tight that they would rather save a dollar or two than support the 
> suppliers that support our hobby and make nice planes and other related 
> equipment available to the hobbiest.  This cheapskate behavior is one of the 
> reasons we have so few good distributors anymore, and why we will eventually 
> lose those that are toughing out the weak dollar.
> Jim Thomas
> > Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:12:36 EDT 
> > To: soaring@airage.com 
> > Subject: Seiko S321 Stopwatch **Wanted** 
> > I think Tom Copp at f3x.com stocks them (thats where I bought mine). Check 
> > the website. 
> > 
> Ben Clerx  

--- Begin Message ---
Very true, as does Barry Kennedy.  Common knowledge to those that have been around soaring for any length of time.  But, there are people in the hobby that are so tight that they would rather save a dollar or two than support the suppliers that support our hobby and make nice planes and other related equipment available to the hobbiest.  This cheapskate behavior is one of the reasons we have so few good distributors anymore, and why we will eventually lose those that are toughing out the weak dollar.
Jim Thomas

> Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:12:36 EDT
> To: soaring@airage.com
> Subject: Seiko S321 Stopwatch **Wanted**

> I think Tom Copp at f3x.com stocks them (thats where I bought mine). Check
> the website.
> Ben Clerx 

--- End Message ---

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