Sounds like you have too much incidence on the h-stab of the Easy Glider. This 
is a common issue on this plane. If you have the RR version and the tail is 
taped in, try lowering the back a little.
The stock hook position is optimized for hand towing rather than hi-start.  You 
may wish to move the hook back a bit.
Ed Anderson
aeajr on the  forums

> From: "Jay Hunter" 
> To: RSCE 
> Subject: 2 meter easy glider, 2.4 EVO, and Hi Starts...
> Message-ID: 
> ------=_Part_5425_1943331.1206323412191
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Conclusions:
> The multiplex Easyglider is ok. It needs a motor. With a 
> motor, I can see
> how this plane can be a blast. Histarting it is great if you 
> need the
> exercise. Also I would put a piece of tape on the Vertical stab 
> to keep it
> in one piece. That said this thing is durable. Lots of 
> cartwheels when
> the vstab was loose, and I just kept tossing her. I was pleasantly
> surprised that the plastic hook stayed in the plane, I pulled 
> back pretty
> hard on the plane, and it was solid. Hosemonster, can't wait to 
> get a 3
> meter glider, and I will appreciate the winch much more going 
> forward. All
> in all this was a very good day, and lifted my spirits like they 
> haven'tbeen lifted in months.
> Jay

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