The results of the Sacramento Valley Soaring Society April club contest are posted on the club's web site.

What an outstanding contest!! For you poor buggers in other parts of the Country, you don't EVEN want to know what the weather was like out here.

42 entries. That's an amazing level of participation for a monthly club contest.? Thanks to CD Scott Meader and Winchmaster Tom Ball. The "Road Kill Krew" spoiled us again with a terrific lunch. I mean come on! All ya can eat barbecued hot dogs with all the fixin's, potato salad, chips for two bucks. Great weather, lots of pilots, fantastic food. Is there another club in the Country can top all that?
Lots of new stuff up on the web site.

*_Contest Scores_*
The April contest scores are posted. You'll see 2 tables. One shows contest standing sorted by Class the other table shows scores sorted high to low irrespective of class. Some of us ain't go no class, anyhow!

_*YTD Scores*_
Although a bit early in the season to have much meaning, the Year to Date pages are up and running. Again sorted by Class and Overall. A note here. The Year to Date pages include ONLY active SVSS members. If you're not a member, you won't see your name listed here even if you regularly participate in the monthly contest. Feel free to join a club of 110 local soaring enthusiasts and show your support for what we do.

_*Again, a bit early in the contest season to be meaningful but this page shows average contest score calculated on the total number of contests actually flown. A true average.

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