Boys and Girls, it's time again to start rounding up volunteers to be
Turnaround Trolls at the 2008 Soaring Nationals. If you are attending the
Nats with your son(s)/daughter(s) and they would like to "volunteer" to be
one of the Turnaround Trolls, please make sure you get them registered as a
volunteer (links to the volunteer forms are on the LSF website) and let me
know as well please. You can contact me offline at: "nodlehs at rochester
dot rr dot com".


We need a minimum of 5 volunteers, and would like to have 10 if possible (2
to a cart). The kids will be shagging 'chutes back from the turnarounds,
using golf carts, over some pretty bumpy terrain. As long as the CD says
we're flying, the kids will be providing retrieval services for the
pilots.rain, shine, hot, or cold, they do it. We've never had an issue in
the past, and the Trolls have never been the "hold-up" for not getting a
flight launched. Needless to say, safety is paramount, and I don't tolerate
much "goofing-off" or any practices that I or the other officials deem as
"unsafe". I talk with the Trolls up-front, they understand the
responsibility and importance, and what I expect of them, and so far, we've
never had a Troll that didn't want to volunteer again (maybe they're too
scared of me to quit? <G>). The kids have been great to work with, I've
always had a good hard-working crew, and they have always received a
"well-done" from all of the pilots for their efforts, which they really
appreciate hearing.



2008 Soaring Nationals

Head Turnaround Troll

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