I remember Dick he was the local top dog at the Long Beach slope, nice guy. 
Chris Jolly and I used to beat up on him took two of us to bring him down 
flying combat.  fun times


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: John Diniz<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
    To: DAN FINK<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; Bill & Bunny Kuhlman<mailto:[EMAIL 
    Cc: Soaring<mailto:Soaring@airage.com> 
    Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 5:27 AM
    Subject: RE: [RCSE] Remember Slope Soaring News?

    This is so cool. Love the article on Dick Vader's Pod Planes. I learned to 
fly slope down at Long Beach some 12+ years ago and Dick was a huge help. Also 
flying combat with Pirate Fred and the rest of the guys. This brings back some 
great memories.




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