I cant believe Gordy is coming to the 2008 IHLGF....

Those of you not in the know... The IHLGF is the best man on man contest their 

No.... I take that back... It's the best contest there is!!!!! Beats Viselia 
not by the partying.... But by the camaraderie... 

I drive over 1200 miles, spend hundreds of dollars of my own money to provide 
shade, chairs, and refreshments for the international pilots and those who come 
from out of town... Why? 

Lets see.. Since I broke my back my launch sucks,,, Not that it was great to 
begin with... But I have no chance of ever being in the top 10 or even the top 
40 for that matter.... But because I have a hell of a time... 

One of the best things about the IHLGF is the traditions around food... Gordy U 
would love this.. Thursday is Rib night, Friday is Hamburger and if U know how 
to order.. All U can eat ribs night, Saturday is all U can eat Pizza... and 
Sunday we go to an all U can eat Sushi place that is really incredible... Throw 
in some Cold Stone Ice Cream.... And you have a hell of a time :-) 

I've lost 20 pounds just so I can gain them all back at Poway :-)

I have meet the most amazing people from all over the world. France, England, 
New Zealand, Brazil, Hawaii, Poland, East Coast planet... You are from another 
planet aren't you?

Were else can you be having a conversation with someone and you ask them what 
they do and they say " I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you"... And 
that's like almost everyone :-) LOL

So if your not doing anything next weekend and want to see man on man and 
Soaring competition at its best... Come on down to Poway... 

I'll have over 40 ft of shade, 20 chairs, and anything and everything you could 
imagine to drink. And a brand new deep cycle battery to charge from :-)

PS... Bruce U bringing the red vines? Or am I going to have to kill U?????? LoL

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