Keep it open Jim, I know many on RCSE will wake up early each day to check
out the scores and that will sometimes will stoke the fire!


Good Luck!!!


Tom Copp

Composite Specialties <>  




-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Monaco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:51 AM
Subject: [RCSE] US F3J Team Merchandise to Stay Available


Thanks to everyone for your support.  I have decided to not close the F3J
merchandise website this Friday as planned. We are making great progress on
the goal and are currently about $1500 from our initial budget.  Our last
uncontrollable expense will be excess baggage charges for our models for the
trip to Turkey.  I had budgeted a substantial increase from the previous
cycle, but the outlook of hitting that number is looking glum.  Last cycle
only a few pilots got dinged with excess baggage and they were only in the
$75-$125 range.  This year we have one more pilot and the excess baggage
situation looks pretty grim.  We have heard of the possibility of charges as
high as $500 each way for our model boxes.  What actually happens at the
airports is really up to the gate agents and skycaps.  We are hoping for
some mercy, but need to be prepared for the worst.


As a result I am keeping the merchandise site open though our return when we
will have the final numbers for our expenses.  


It feels like a small miracle to be as close to the goal as we are and we
want to thank everyone that has supported us, and there are too many to name
individually, but between the donors listed on the website and each and
everyone that has purchased raffle tickets or merchandise, we are eternally


If you have not purchased any tickets or merchandise, we would still
appreciate your support.  And should be overachieve, any remaining funds
will be placed in the team fund for the benefit of the next cycle.

Tickets and merchandise can be purchased at:



Thanks a bunch.

Jim Monaco

US F3J Team Manager 2008



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