Got a note from Ben Clerx, he's got an interesting mix of planes  along.
Keep in mind guys that there is practice days, a pre-contest and then the a lot of flying goes on there...well in between inter-country 
 tourneys, BBQ's, Karaoke, some barley pop tasting events, and the usual  
:-) the models that will actually be chosen to fly from the quivers  
brought along will be decided considering conditions.
DP's Supra earned its blown stab...That NZ coach (JW) borrowed him a new  one.
Ben has these planes along...I brought 3 Aspires a Shadow and a Perfect  SL 
(borrowed from Larry).
He likes the Shadow  if he ends up with some really dead  guess that 
should make you Shadow owners kind of happy to see that a world class  pilot 
likes the plane too!
There's a lot of strategy involved here...this IS the big one.  So  choosing 
your best weapons for the battle becomes very important and takes some  

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.      

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