On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 08:35:32PM -0400, JAMES EALY wrote:

|    Where can I get batteries that wil fit the EVO TX? 1100mah [2cells wide
|    x 2 cells high x 2 cells long] - special connector (either AAA or 2/3
|    AA I think will work)

Your Multiplex Evo must be different than mine.
My Evo 9 has six AA cells, arranged like this 


The only things unusual about the pack is that 1) it's six rather than
eight cells, and 2) there's a fuse (polyfuse?) in the pack rather than
in the radio itself.

I don't remember exactly which connector it uses, but it wasn't that
unusual.  I made my own pack for mine, and I found something sutiable
for a connector in my box o' parts.

Here's where you can buy the stock battery, at least for my radio --


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