Gordysoar Wrote: 
> Here's a test to let  him prove his point... have any one of his
> newbies run the motor up to about winch or high start height (400') then
> make a 5min thermal flight....no turning the motor on..-you know- when
> he gets kind of low, -you know- for 'safety's' sake....
> When the have a motor to turn on, they don't learn to thermal...which
> is fine, if they are happy 'flying' I say," let them eat er...
> batteries!" :-) 

On this, oh wise one, you are simply dead wrong.  I have seen it

Gordysoar Wrote: 
> In the year 2424, if the only way we TD guys can launch is to put a
> motor in the nose of our models, God let it be just enough to get us up
> to normal winch height..three times...its not supposed to 'fly' our
> models, its only suppose to get them to the start of the game. :-)
> Gordy

On this, oh wise one, we agree.  I have been playing around with an f5j
ZLOG which has an altitude cutoff switch.  There is still a debate about
whether this, by itself, will totally solve the problem of evening the
field with the flying "arc welders", but, like you, I have no interest
in an event which is "driven" by the amount of power you can cram into a
glider -- I would be interested in simply reducing that to a dynomometer
race.  D.O. Darnell has suggested to me that we might reduce an altitude
limited competition to a test of who could get down fastest from a
predetermined altitude and hit a spot (pusher motor -- lawn dart noses
:) ).  All of the current formats ultimately place much more emphasis on
optimizing the launch system than our current TD rules.  Great if you
like it.  But.

Happy Landings,


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