I'm flying 2 Aspires (brought 3 of them) and a Shadow Lite for dead air. I'll 
fly them at the Masters and next years team selection. I really like the 
planes. The Aspire will likely be available in the near future (no promise) and 
the Shadow is a real sleeper (a lot of plane for the buck). I've been on 2.4 
GHz (JR9303 with module and X9303, integral 2.4) for nearly a year without a 
single problem. 

I've sold all my VHF equipment and burned that bridge. Its a major advantage to 
be able to just walk out on the field and practice without any concern for "who 
has your frequency pin". How about not getting shot down at Visalia on a 
Friday? How about not getting shot down ever, especially with all those park 
flyers who don't understand frequency control?

Daryl is flying Supras as is Rich Burnoski. Cody is flying Espadas, a plane he 
is very familiar with.

Bottom line, there are many good planes out there, and yes, the top pilots will 
fly what works well with their style of flying. Fly what you're familiar with. 
Its not what you fly, it's how you fly it and the decisions you make that win 
contests. A little luck is always mandatory and I seem to be lacking some of 
that :)

More info later.

Ben Clerx

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