It is always interesting to incorporate new ideas into our contests.  I see
this has having 3 effects:

1) Pretty much eliminates all the light wood and many bagged wing planes
from the contest.  You will need an F3J moldie, a spar based bagged wing or
a carbon capped wood wing to take this all out type launch.  Spirits and
Gentle Ladies need not apply.  If you are going to go for high speed, high
pressure all out launches, you will need high end planes to compete.

2) Lots of line breaks, or you will need 300+ pound line.  How do you handle
line breaks in this situation?

3) Higher winch maintenance costs and people REALLY wanting to fly the
strongest winch all the time.  Try as you may, there will always be stronger
and weaker winches. Today it is not as much of an issue, but a time on tow
rule will make this a critical issue in the contest.

I would say, leave the F3J rules in F3J.  If you want to adopt that format,
then fly that format.

Best regards,
Ed Anderson

> Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 18:21:26 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Craig Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Contest idea....Time on tow penalty for TD?
> --0-778948686-1216084886=:2951
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> After watching the World F3J  I had an idea for a contest...
> Incorporate the time penalty on tow that they have in F3J but in a TD
> You would have a timer at each winch who would time your launch and write
that time down on your card...  For example if it were a 10 min task and you
towed for 6 sec the best time you could get would be a 9:54 even though you
flew a perfect 10... Or even better... Double the time on tow penalty, so if
it was a 6 sec tow the best time you could get would be 9:48. Seems to me it
would throw more strategy and fun into a normal TD contest
> Suggestions ? Comments?
> Craig

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