I don't know much about contests, but at the power plane field I fly at, we
use a combo of both systems for everyday flying, and it seems to work well.
 If someone wants a freq. they take the pin from the board to place on
their x-mitter and place their AMA card in a little clear slot under where
the pin was.

At 05:49 AM 02/06/2000 -0500, Susan Moffett or Scott Borden wrote:
>  Fellow Addicts, When Bruce and Randy returned to Louisville from "Bruce
>and Randy's Excellent Adventure" in SoCal, among their tales was one about
>a frequency control board they used in a contest environment. In a nut
>shell, pilots attached their AMA cards to the board over the channel number
>to claim the channel for their flight. &R said it was a fantastic system,
>which continued the tradition of impounding the transmitters, but
>eliminated "impound workers attaching frequency pins to the transmitter" by
>holding the PILOTS responsible for claiming the channel, and for sharing
>safety. I have contemplated adopting the board for Louisville's use, and
>think it's a good way to go, but some think use of the existing "impound
>workers attaching frequency pins to the transmitter" scheme is better,
>suggesting perhaps PILOTS can not be trusted to claim the frequency, and
>for sharing safety. I would appreciate as many replies to this message as
>possible, pro or con, about your experiences with this frequency control
>board scheme to help us decide which way we should go. Scott 

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