If I read this correctly Mike has only decided to "hang up his thumbs"
for this year..... I would assume that doesn't mean he is gone forever.
Knowing that Mike now lives in Fla it would get rather hot during the
late summer months and would make it very uncomfortable to fly during
this time of year.


FYI, my Grand Esteem still flies!  Has been a member of my "quiver" for
over 10 years!







Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:44 AM
To: Soaring@airage.com
Subject: [RCSE] "Brett Farve and Mike Popescu?....Say it ain't so Joe!"


I am retiring from flying this year and so my planes are becoming

Mike  ( the old Esteem and Pelican designer ) 
By the way the Super Pelican made this guy Bordy to change diapers every
round at the last contest in Orlando past spring. 


Sorry to hear that yet another great has decided to hang up his thumbs!

For those of you who don't know Mike Popescu, his Grand Esteem and
Pelican mark a turning point in our sailplane design and construction.
A great contributor, a great guy and a top competitor...Mike was my
personal mentor, and has been a best soaring friend since 1997 or so.
We competed, broke bread, traveled and even slept together over the
years (okay not together but in the same house and motels :-).

The planes he just sold were extended span versions of his originals and
really did fly as well as molded ships they were competing against in
the last couple of years...of course they were under the talented and
skilled thumbs of Thermal Wizard Extrodinaire...Mike Popescu!

Below is a link to the article I did on Mike and his designs back in
1997.  Take a read, you might just learn some history :-).


Penn National Race Track in the morning, heading toward Virginia Beach.


RCSD Dec 97 Stahl, Gordy Pelican design is evaluated and compared with
Grand Esteem. 



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