I have been doing this at all the contests I have run for the last 30 years without problems. Fly the same task with the same task times works without problems, It is a natural. I don't even see a problem flying man-on-man with mixed classes. RES is as capable as Unlimited as far as the duration aspect is concerned. In fact, I usually fly my RES in Unlimited rather that assemble two different models. My Unlimited model serves as my backup when flying in Unlimited.
Chuck Anderson

At 04:44 PM 8/4/2008, you wrote:
I am not sure if I posted this idea before, so if I did, give it another
thought in the context of the NATs discussions that have happened of late.
Has anyone tried contests within contests?   We often have classes of flyers
segregated by level, but have we done classes of planes within a contest?

For example, you run a winch launched contest but capture who is flying
ailerons and who is flying RES. So you have an overall winner, an aileron
winner and a RES winner without having to run separate contests.  Or maybe
you run Unlimited but capture the 2M planes as a class within the contest.

Has this been done?   Seems it would not be all that hard with the right
computer software. It would seem to me that it would encourage more people
to fly.  A person might feel outclassed with their 2M RES against Supras and
Pikes, but if they can be recognized in 2M or RES within the contest maybe
you get more participation.  It will probably need some software revisions
but once that is done, the computer manages it.  If you use an excel
spreadsheet type approach, then add a column for airplane class.  You
register the pilot and the plane.

Stupid idea?  Great idea?  My experience is  limited here so I don't know
what has been tried.

Best regards,
Ed Anderson

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