>>The reverse taper of the Zagi ailerons certainly doesn't
>>help flutter resistance. 

Hence, Pat Bowman's Sonic which has elevons that are narrower at the tip. It
helps and make more aerodynamic sense.

>>I was under the impression that combat models
>>didn't have a long life expectancy anyway.

A tempting idea but not necessarily true! My primary combat model is over a
year old and my big wind combat plane just turned 2 years old. Both are doing
fine. Several other BASHers get similar life spans from their planes.

>>plan on frequently replacing the servo gears and 
>>living with the problem.  

I've only stripped two servo gears in combat ever! TWO! One of which was a
piddly little HS-80 gear so I hesitate to even count it! While, the other was
in a standard servo. Two gears in 30 BASHes and countless gazillion other
trips to the slope. Gears don't have to get broken.

Bill Swingle
Pleasanton, CA

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