I am having a great deal of trouble getting a decent leading edge on my
vacuum bagged HLG wings.  I cut the Mylar about 1/8" short of the leading
edge.  I apply a 1" wide strip of 1.5 oz glass cloth to the leading edge
with 3M super 77 spray and then wet out the glass with a brush and scrape
the excess off with a plastic card.  I then wet out the glass on the Mylar
and place it around the core.  The Mylar is cut about 1/8"  short of the
leading edge.  I then cover the Mylar, including the exposed leading edge
with hand towel paper as a breather and the whole lot goes into the vacuum
bag.  When set, the leading edge seems to require a lot of sanding and I
usually end up exposing the core in a number of places.  I have also tried
using peel ply over the exposed leading edge but this seems to leave it too
dry.  Next I thought I would place nothing over the exposed leading edge,
instead relying on the vacuum bag to give me a nice surface.

Can anyone offer me any suggestions?  If I cant just sort out the leading
edges I will have myself a set of beautiful wings.


Melbourne, Australia

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