
I don't want to argue semantics with you on such a public forum.  If you
want any further responses from me on this subject,  you'll talk with me
personally,  either via e-mail or by phone.  However,  to refute your post
of earlier this evening,  what you actually said was "The Laser 3MC was the
first quad tapered wing designed and now copied by Fred Sage."   Since I've
never copied any of your products,  I still take exception to that
statement.  What I do when taking an order from a potential customer is to
spend several minutes talking about  his background,  experience level,
geographic location and objectives for his new glider.  Depending on his
answers,  I'll make recommendations involving airfoil,  plan form and
wingspan.  The customer then picks and chooses from the various design
compromises involved with those decisions.   In this manner,   I can deliver
a custom glider that will give maximum satisfaction to the individual
customer.  There's no copying in this process unless you consider NSP the
sole proprietor of the quad taper wing.  Please Sal,  may  I have permission
to develop a quintuple taper wing?  No matter how many tapers are involved,
I do use John Hazel's excellent plan form optimization program to ensure
that I build an efficient wing.  If my wings turn out to be similar to
yours,  that just indicates we're both proceeding toward the same goal.

In case you're interested,  of the 67 e-mail responses I've received either
over the RCSE or personally concerning this thread,  only one differed from
the majority opinion.   Although I'm too much of a gentleman to point out
the obvious,  I'm sure you realize which side of the disagreement people are
supporting.   The overwhelming preponderance of the numbers  tell us to give
up this futile discussion and turn the band width over for more productive
use. Perhaps we should listen.


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