My IMPATIENCE with a RE:RE:RESEND of Fred Sage's post could have been
interpreted as disparaging Fred's remarks--if anything in regards to Fred
it was a backhanded compliment.

I posted, "AND now! How many times will we have to read Fred Sage's sage
BIG SNIP!!!!! (Wonder . . . "

When new people come on RCSE our Netiquette pattern may take time to learn,
but when those of long standing continue to post in disregard to the list's
stated practices we should warn ourselves--it is discourteous to ourselves
to continue such practices.  There is no "DELETE" key on the digest version
FOR individual posts!!!!!  HTMLs upset the Digest version ROYALLY, all text
following an HTML postbecomeasingleruntogetherdocument and RE:RE:Resends
sometime take almost a WHOLE digest!  When I return from a trip and I have
a volume of digests, yes, I check the contents head and sometimes hit
"delete" but that DOES delete the whole digest!  This house is as state of
the art as is practical (I am surrounded by experts--in and out of the
industry) and updating--it IS economical to be so.  It is NOT for lack of
technology that I raise the issue, but several have been bringing these
matters to our attention lately; the immediate RE:RESEND of Sage's words
prompted my immediate response to a very fresh RCSE digest received, hoping
for the best :-) ! 

Paul Clark, SKY PILOT ONE, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
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