> This is a hobby for him, when it becomes a pain in the @!!, he'll quit, and find 
>something else that's fun to do. <

LOL!  That is the way to do it, not let the hobby run your life.

> PS I take back the "not rich" part, Flying R/C sailplanes makes us all rich. <

So true.  There are other paybacks above and beyond mere money.


On Mon, 15 May 2000 11:20:01 -0700 Doug Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

market size Hobby as a business

Way back in 1993, the Winch Doctor built the first batch of what was to be known as 
"Real Balls" Six sets total, one for my winch, and some for local club members. He 
practically gave them away ($98/set!) Nowadays they have become a standard feature on 
any serious AMA contest winch. The ol' Winch Doc has sold hundreds of sets, and has 
yet to get rich on the deal. WHY? Why not?

They cost a lot to make, you can't do 'em with out a CNC machine shop at your 
disposal. Others have tried to copy them with little success.

They don't wear out, become obsolete, crash, or fall to the fate of last year's spring 
fashion. Few people have need for more than one set. You'll never see a post from 
someone needing a left (or right) panel for "Real Balls". Once you have "Real Balls" 
you're good to go.

It's a real niche market, too. Except for a few hay ladders, lure coursing machines 
(hi there, SLASH!) and high performance racing barstools, R/C soaring is the only 
market for "Real Balls".

The Winch Doctor is a machinist by trade, and, big surprise, the he does not make 
"Real Balls" for his real day job. This is a hobby, too. (what a sick individual)

When he started the whole "Real Balls" and "Savage Drums" endeavor, the main charter 
was to make just enough money to pay for those $900 sailplanes and trips to big 
contests. That's all. Sometimes he has been known to trade machined metal for molded 
composites. This is a hobby for him, when it becomes a pain in the @!!, he'll quit, 
and find something else that's fun to do. maybe H-D parts...

Doug Boyd 
Winch intern

PS I take back the "not rich" part, Flying R/C sailplanes makes us all rich.

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