I agree.
But no matter where or what you are there will always be critics.

At 08:31 AM 5/26/00 -0400, Barry Andersen wrote:
>Guys, these responses sound awfully amero-centric.  While I realize much 
>of this is in jest, this is a real guy who dresses a little different than 
>current west coast soaring chic.  This is an international list you 
>know.  Some of you guys need to travel!
>This guy can probably out-fly 90% of those on the list.  I vote it's a 
>real pix.
>The real question is what to do about barefoot bohemian fliers, often with 
>no shirt on. (vbg).
>FYI:  Xenophobe:  one who fears,  mistrusts, or ridicules that which is 
>foreign or strange.

Steve Meyer  http://www.mcs.net/~stmeyer/
S.O.A.R. in Gurnee, IL

S.O.A.R. Web Page http://www.mcs.net/~stmeyer/SOAR/

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