I'm not techinical in this but I know Monokote is a mylar base and Ultracote
has a Poly-something base.  You can actually peel the color away from
but not Monokote.  Also, what many people aren't ware of is Monokote has 
a grain pattern to it, it runs the length of the roll so the shrink pattern
is already built
in.  This is very important in planning a project.  

Ultracote maybe easier to apply but you'll see the best film covered models
to be by the die-hard Monokote users.  I've built, covered, flown just about
type of model "airplane" there is over the last 15 years.   Monkoting is an
art in itself
just like soaring in thermals, takes lots of practice......


-----Original Message-----
From: Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 9:41 AM

Chuck Anderson writes:

>...Are Ultracoat and Oracover as stiff as
>Monokote and do they also get brittle after exposure to sunlight?... 

In our tests, Transparent Monokote is slightly stiffer and slightly lighter
than regular weight Ultracoat or Oracover. It is also more brittle, and has
more trouble applying without wrinkles aorund corners, compound curves,
etc.. It is made from a stiffer material to begin with. On most plastics,
there is a tradeoff between stiffness and toughness. If you increase one,
you decrease the other. Both Ultracoat and Oracover are significantly
tougher and more tear resistant than Monokote, but slightly heavier and
more flexible. All this is brand-new properties, even before sunlight
effects begin to accumulate.

I have not observed any noticeable embrittling of Ultracoat or Oracover
with age and sunlight exposure. Overall they are my current favorite
iron-on film covering material. However, if stiffness and weight are the
main factor, Monokote has a slight edge.

Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech
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