> Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 09:15:12 -0400
> From: "Pearscott, Mark (GEAE, Today's Temporary Services)"
> To: "'soaring'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Anyone design scratch foamie without using a wing/foam cutter?
> Message-ID:
> I've been working on a thermalling design lately, and have been having
> success.  I was wondering if anyone else out there has built/designed a
> that could be built without the use of any special equipment (like the
> cutter), and supplies could be purchased from Home Depot or such.
> Mark P.

I've shaped foam with a knife and sandpaper many times.  The results are not
as consistently repeatable as a hotwire and templates, but for one-off
designs and modifications, it's pretty easy.  Use a good sanding block and a
sharp knife and regular white styre-foam from Home Depot.  I've also used
disposable foam coolers, packing foam from VCR boxes, etc.  Home Depot also
has pre-cut foam shaped for architectural details under EFS and plaster -
some for window trims are almost airfoil shaped!  All you'd need to do is
put an LE on them and maybe trim for thickness.
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