Is this is a veiled suggestion that Olympic athletes perform better? Is this 
 a premise that their performance is superior because they don't receive 
 payment?  If that's your conclusion, you haven't done your research.  >>
Was this an offer to write?  Or just another typical RCSE "when everything is 
done and said, more will be said than done?"

Do this:
Go back through your years of magazines and look at the 'paid-for' articles 
and see if you can learn how to cut and bag a wing, or layup a fuselage, or 
find out where you can even get the supplies or for that matter what supplies 
to use!"

If you want to look at pretty pictures get all the other magazines that Dave 
and I (and all of the RCSD contributors) subscribe to.  RCSD has had some of 
our greatest pilots, designers and builders as its contributors.  

They "contribute", they offered the information that makes our sailplanes 
what they are today, and becuase of RCSD we know who they are and what they 
figured out.

Chuck Anderson's Airfoil Program, Eric Sander's Compufoil came about becuase 
of the information shared and the interest spurred in RCSD.

We are all waiting for your contribution of information... RCSD contributors 
aren't paid,  but their information isn't compiled for free.  Judy and Jerry 
work pretty hard each month on the magazine.  

My travels allow me to pick the brains of those of us who have good things 
for us to use, and to find out about neat stuff for the hobby and to fly see 
or fly virtually every plane out there and to talk to those who build and 
sell them.  I have written for MAN and MA and RCM in the past and enjoyed it, 
but I am a sailplaner, who likes to build, fly, think and talk sailplanes, 
and RCSD is the one place dedicated to that kind of information...for $30 per 

All that subscription money goes to pay for the huge 'after TNT BBQ" by the 
way, at Judy and Jerry's house :-)

Just remember, when you want to know something about sailplanes, they guy in 
your club (or on RCSE) that you go to ask....subscribes and reads RCSD :-)

A simple way to get rid of that source of Sailplane information is to 'not' 
subscribe, then the only source of detailed information will be what the 
advertisers 'pay'  columnists to write.

Coming up in my column, a review of the amazing Stratos, Patton's New Epp 
Spitfire, Horizon's 2m ARF Aspire, and new 'flexible' super glue (no not the 
black stuff, this is from a supplier you haven't (and wouldn't have) heard of.
Heck by then its off to California for the Pre-Visalia Slope Adventure....

You can subscribe to RCSD by contacting Judy, at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the interesting comments!
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